Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

Read the following links. Explain how Mikhail Gorbachev opened up the Soviet Union and paved the way for the end of Communism. Also define the words "Glasnost" and "Perestroika".

Mikhail Gorbachev opened up the Soviet Union and paved the way for the end of Communism by getting a "new thinking", and this new idea gave this guy the pioririty of control all the arms.
By this person, the Soviet Union opened up and paved the way for the end of communism with all the liberty and dignity.

Glasnost is a Russian word for "transparency". Gorbachev used the term to describe a program of reform introduced to the Soviet Union in 1985 whose goals included combating corruptions and the abuse of privilege by the political classes.

Peristrokia was the name of the modified fundamental reforms by Mikhail.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Collapse of Communism

Read the three links below. Why did Communism collapse in Eastern Europe and the USSR? Why did people tear down the Berlin Wall? What happened to the Soviet Union and how did the collapse of the Soviet Union change the world?

The main reason why Eastern Europe and the USSR collapse because the wanted to enter to the soviet union by crashing the Berlin Wall and separating the East and West Germany.
East Germany was a Communist and wouldn't allow anyone to cross, including doctors and scientists, if someone will wanted to cross might be shot instantly.
As then East Germany gained freedom from the Soviet Union.
Most people were tearing up, because they wanted to be on the other side, also the police commanders were killing a lot of people.

The Soviet Union was destroyed, most groups that Soviet they had were separated from each other. These success was one of the very important turning points in history. At the very end of this battle that seemed without an end, but finally the the walls were destroy and the people from both sides could get back to their original places.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Creation of Israel

Read the link below. Define Zionism. Explain the conflict that occurred when Israel was created. Why do the Palestinians and Israelis not get along?

A reestablishment, development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl.
When Israel was created there were some big conflicts between the countries around for example: Jordan, Jerusalem and a lot more. The main reason why all this counries were fighting against Israel was because they belong to a very different religion is which is Judaism.
Back in the days and some still now, many people used to discriminated the other for their religion type eventhough that person could be from the same country, therefore this created a huge conflits between them. And some must had to move out, to other places.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Read the three links below. First; in your own words, define Apartheid. Then explain why Nelson Mandela is such a hero. What did he do? Why is he so admired by the authors of these articles and sites?

Apartheid, means a policy or system of discrimination about race.
Nelson Mandela is consider as a hero because he worked really hard in order to take Africa out of European's hands and libert that country out of discrimination.
Thing such as Mandela did is just great, all the humiliations his people and himself faced were worhty at the end, because now he is a person to look up to, in which leds people to forget about races and only care for what is inside.
Not only black people admire him, everyone loves the things he did, in order to defend himself and his people.