Friday, February 9, 2007

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

Gandhi is a rebel man, that gave his all entire life to make one union nation meaning; that he wanted to religions be together ( muslims, and hindus) without the brittish that used make their lives miserable because they used control India. Gandhi was an incredible man, he tried to make India a free land by making boycotts, also he told people to make their own clothing instead of buying to the "enemy".
Another thing he did was a salt march. The salt and other goods were in a very high prize, so Gandhi and his people revolted for it, and decided to use salt from the ocean.
The brittish wanted to sell goods to the Indias that were produced in India!

Gandhi was against violence, he wanted to do all the marches and boycotts, but without making hurt anyone, although at the end the brittish soldiers arrested them.
Gandhi was an example of the justice.. he and also Martin Luther tried to bring justice for all and that's is something to admire.

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