Tuesday, March 20, 2007

U.s Atomic bombing of Japan in 1945

When U.S attacked Japan with an atomic bomb, nobody knew about it, and what even made the pain of these people get worse was by facing and suffering such a disaster, but they also faced all the problems that Japan had even though they had nothing to do with it. They were just good citizens , the problem was with the goverment.
Therefore by these issues America became powerful. The news of the bomb were #1.
There hasn't a huge big news about Atomic bombs at all, that can destroyed a country... but there are some other issues in which alot of people had died by terrorist;for example a resent attack was the World trade center and it was a catastrophe.
Another example is when Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor in NewYork.

One way that America view the exit of getting out of war and winning it was by droping a bomb, however they didn't see the other side of the situation, which is the illness of people and more.

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